My Story

My name is Daniele Massaro and I was born on 21st September 1970 under the sign of the Virgin, the sign of ingenuity, industriousness and precision. I was born and grew up in Vigonovo, a town on the Riviera del Brenta, one of the ancient fluvial access routes to Venice.
I began my carpentry career as a workshop apprentice. Here I learnt the basic techniques of woodworking. Following the apprenticeship I opened my own workshop, converting the rustic annex of the family farmhouse into a carpenter’s studio.
In a career spanning 25 years I have designed and built furniture, wardrobes, tables and furnishing accessories. All different, but all built out of a love of wood and a passion for craftsmanship.

My dream

I came to Venice by train. I walked through the station ticket hall and out through the doors that lead to the flight of steps facing the Grand Canal. The thrill is always the same: a sensation I’ve now experienced hundreds of times.
One day, while I was sitting on a masegno (the typical stone slabs that make up Venice’s pavements) my dream began to take shape. I looked across the lagoon to a horizon that merged with the sea. My eyes fell on the brìcole, the wooden navigation props that look like so many sentinels, quietly observing Venice: its arrivals and departures, love stories, life’s ebb and flow, a city floating on water.
In that precise instant I decided to make the brìcole immortal, to create an artistic collection that would repay Venice for all the joy and beauty it’s given me over the years.